Assessment, Critical thinking, Curriculum, Growth mentality, Learning Maps, Lesson ideas

How I’m introducing learning maps to my students.

As I've gone through course work this summer I've dug deep into my own thinking behind learning maps and developed a better understanding of what they are and how I will be integrating them into my instruction. My students, however, were not along for that ride. Some of them have not used learning maps before, … Continue reading

Assessment, Critical thinking, Differentiation, Growth mentality, Learning Maps, Personalized Learning, Self-Regulated Learning, writing

Getting down to specifics: How I’m connecting learning maps with day to day writing assessment.

As I've been documenting on this blog, I spent 7 weeks of my summer completing the first two of 10 courses towards earning an MEd degree from Queen's University. One of those courses, PME 800 or Self-Regulated Inquiry and Learning, required me to complete an inquiry project and to learn how self-regulated learning facilitates and … Continue reading

Assessment, Curriculum, Growth mentality, Learning Maps, Self-Regulated Learning

Rethinking learning maps #5: Timing feedback for better learning.

As I have documented my learning through my self-regulated inquiry course project this summer, I have... ...begun looking at the big ideas on learning maps as big goals which students will reach by the end of the course. ...revised my existing learning map for French 8 using the most recent curriculum update....summarized research I'm using … Continue reading

Assessment, Growth mentality, Learning Maps, Self-Regulated Learning

Rethinking learning maps #4: Evaluating my existing formative assessments.

This blog post is a continuation in a series of posts about my self-regulated inquiry project in a course I'm taking this summer. Up to this point, I have... ...begun looking at the big ideas on learning maps as big goals which students will reach by the end of the course. ...revised my existing learning … Continue reading

Assessment, Differentiation, Growth mentality, Learning Maps, Self-Regulated Learning, Uncategorized

Rethinking learning maps #3: How do I align feedback with big learning goals and with self-regulated learning?

This is the third in a series of blog posts about my inquiry project for my current coursework. The first two can be found here and here. This post represents the second step in what I had outlined as my monitoring process, and it was much bigger than I had anticipated. Here's what I wrote … Continue reading