Assessment, Critical thinking, Differentiation, Growth mentality, Learning Maps, Personalized Learning, Self-Regulated Learning, writing

Getting down to specifics: How I’m connecting learning maps with day to day writing assessment.

As I've been documenting on this blog, I spent 7 weeks of my summer completing the first two of 10 courses towards earning an MEd degree from Queen's University. One of those courses, PME 800 or Self-Regulated Inquiry and Learning, required me to complete an inquiry project and to learn how self-regulated learning facilitates and … Continue reading

Assessment, Curriculum, Growth mentality, Learning Maps, Self-Regulated Learning

Rethinking learning maps #5: Timing feedback for better learning.

As I have documented my learning through my self-regulated inquiry course project this summer, I have... ...begun looking at the big ideas on learning maps as big goals which students will reach by the end of the course. ...revised my existing learning map for French 8 using the most recent curriculum update....summarized research I'm using … Continue reading

Assessment, Growth mentality, Learning Maps, Self-Regulated Learning

Rethinking learning maps #4: Evaluating my existing formative assessments.

This blog post is a continuation in a series of posts about my self-regulated inquiry project in a course I'm taking this summer. Up to this point, I have... ...begun looking at the big ideas on learning maps as big goals which students will reach by the end of the course. ...revised my existing learning … Continue reading

Assessment, Differentiation, Growth mentality, Learning Maps, Self-Regulated Learning, Uncategorized

Rethinking learning maps #3: How do I align feedback with big learning goals and with self-regulated learning?

This is the third in a series of blog posts about my inquiry project for my current coursework. The first two can be found here and here. This post represents the second step in what I had outlined as my monitoring process, and it was much bigger than I had anticipated. Here's what I wrote … Continue reading